Metaphysical Divination

Intuitive Tarot Session

Energy Session
Book a Party
Do you have a question or are you looking for some clarification on a situation? Book a session.
10 min |. $25
20 min | $45
30 min | $65
60 Min | $120
Connect with your life force energy through meditative techniques and guided energy
Sessions start at $45
Gather your pals for a private group party. We offer tarot sessions as well as manifestation spell jar sessions. Call for availability and pricing.
Manifestation Spell Jar Session | $21
Create a Manifestation Spell Jar according to your needs and desires. We will guide you through the process.
Tarot & Manifestation Spell Jar Session | $45
Begin with a tarot session, continue with a manifestation spell jar created by you according to your needs & desires. Includes a special journal
Tarot, Smudge, Metaphysical Art & Tools
We carry a nice variety of tarot and oracle decks. Sample decks are opened and available for handling and viewing. See which deck calls to you.
Whether you are looking for smudges, solfeggio frequencies, chakra energy, stones, prayer flags, or energy connection, we've got a nice variety here. If you are looking for something you don't see here, just ask. We may have it, or can possibly order it for you.